Драйверы для HP LaserJet 1220

У Вас есть принтер HP LaserJet 1220? Вы ищете драйвер для принтера HP LaserJet 1220? Вы на правильном пути. Только на нашем сайте Вы сможете найти и скачать требуемый в этом случае системой драйвер. Ниже Вы увидите список имеющихся у нас в каталоге драйверов для принтера HP LaserJet 1220. Вам осталось выбрать подходящий для вашей операционной системы драйвер. Скорее всего, ваша операционная система - Unknown OS Platform.

Цветом выделены рекомендованные Вам драйвера, на основе определения Вашей операционной системы.

PostScript Printer Driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
4.7 27.03.2009 Windows Vista x64 / 2003 x64 / 2008 x64, WinXP x64 The UPD version 4.7 is the latest version of HP's Universal Print Driver. Please review the entire documentation for information on issues resolved, performance improvements, and new behavior changes to the UPD.
4.7 27.03.2009 Windows 2000 / 2003 / Vista / 2008, WinXP The UPD version 4.7 is the latest version of HP's Universal Print Driver. Please review the entire documentation for information on issues resolved, performance improvements, and new behavior changes to the UPD.

PCL6 Printer Driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
4.7 27.03.2009 Windows Vista x64 / 2003 x64 / 2008 x64, WinXP x64 The UPD version 4.7 is the latest version of HP's Universal Print Driver. Please review the entire documentation for information on issues resolved, performance improvements, and new behavior changes to the UPD.
4.7 27.03.2009 Windows 2000 / 2003 / Vista / 2008, WinXP The UPD version 4.7 is the latest version of HP's Universal Print Driver. Please review the entire documentation for information on issues resolved, performance improvements, and new behavior changes to the UPD.

PCL5 Printer Driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
4.7 27.03.2009 Windows Vista x64 / 2003 x64 / 2008 x64, WinXP x64 The UPD version 4.7 is the latest version of HP's Universal Print Driver. Please review the entire documentation for information on issues resolved, performance improvements, and new behavior changes to the UPD.

PS Driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание 27.03.2009 WinNT 4.x Before proceeding with the software installation, the printer must first be properly set up, and your computer must be ready to print.
283.12 Кб 27.03.2009 Windows 2000 / 2003, WinXP Before proceeding with the software installation, the printer must first be properly set up, and your computer must be ready to print.
103.98 Кб

PCL6 driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание 27.03.2009 WinNT 4.x Before proceeding with the software installation, the printer must first be properly set up, and your computer must be ready to print.
1.75 Мб 27.03.2009 Windows 2000 / 2003, WinXP Before proceeding with the software installation, the printer must first be properly set up, and your computer must be ready to print.
1.82 Мб

PCL5e driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание 27.03.2009 WinNT 4.x Before proceeding with the software installation, the printer must first be properly set up, and your computer must be ready to print.
1.76 Мб

PCL5e Driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание 27.03.2009 Win 3.1x HP LaserJet 1200/1220 (lj2100 series) PCL5e Driver v2.1.0.0, Windows 3.1.
442.85 Кб

PCL 5 Printer Driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
4.7 27.03.2009 Windows 2000 / 2003 / Vista / 2008, WinXP The UPD version 4.7 is the latest version of HP's Universal Print Driver. Please review the entire documentation for information on issues resolved, performance improvements, and new behavior changes to the UPD.

PostScript Point and Print Bundle

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
3.0 27.03.2009 Windows 2000 / 2003, WinNT 4.x, WinXP The Point and Print Driver Bundles contain Postscript drivers only, for the Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT4.0, and Windows 95/98/Me operating systems. These bundles allow for Point and Print interaction among the different OS's. The drivers are also available, individually, from the product specific download pages.
746.53 Кб

PCL5e Point and Print Bundle

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
3.0 27.03.2009 Windows 2000 / 2003, WinNT 4.x, WinXP The Point and Print Driver Bundles contain PCL 5e drivers only, for the Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT4.0, and Windows 95/98/Me operating systems. These bundles allow for Point and Print interaction among the different OS's. The drivers are also available, individually, from the product specific download pages.
4.77 Мб

PCL5e, PCL6, PS Driver Bundle

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
3.0 27.03.2009 Windows 2000, WinXP Before proceeding with the software installation, the printer must first be properly set up, and your computer must be ready to print.
3.93 Мб

PCL 5e driver

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание 27.03.2009 Windows 2000 / 2003, WinXP Before proceeding with the software installation, the printer must first be properly set up, and your computer must be ready to print.
1.82 Мб
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