Драйверы для Epson ES-1200C

У Вас есть сканер Epson ES-1200C? Вы ищете драйвер для сканера Epson ES-1200C? Вы на правильном пути. Только на нашем сайте Вы сможете найти и скачать требуемый в этом случае системой драйвер. Ниже Вы увидите список имеющихся у нас в каталоге драйверов для сканера Epson ES-1200C. Вам осталось выбрать подходящий для вашей операционной системы драйвер. Скорее всего, ваша операционная система - Unknown OS Platform.

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Драйвер для сканирования

Драйвера для сканирования на сканер Epson ES-1200C. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
2.20e 21.10.2006 Win 3.1x This self extracting file contains the Epson TWAIN 2.20e driver. Note: Some features are not available for the ES-300C, ES-600C, ES-800C and ES-1200C scanners. This driver works with a bidirectional parallel interface or Adaptec SCSI interface.
717.79 Кб
2.70A 21.10.2006 Win95, Win98, WinNT This self-extracting file contains the latest EPSON TWAIN driver v2.70A, disk version 2.2aA for Epson flatbed color scanners and Windows 95/98/NT. To install run TWAIN270.EXE from Windows.
3.41 Мб
2.53A 21.10.2006 Mac This file contains the EPSON Scan! II 2.02E. Macintosh Twain Version 2.53A for the EPSON ES-1200C and ES-800C Scanners. Macintosh OS 8.0 through 8.1. This Installer will place a folder on the Desktop labeled \'EPSON Twain 2.53A\'.
2.01 Мб
2.62A 21.10.2006 Win 3.1x, Win95, WinNT This self-extracting file contains the latest EPSON TWAIN driver v2.62A, disk version 2.1aA for Epson flatbed color scanners and Windows 3.1/95/NT. To install run TWAIN262.EXE from Windows.
3.38 Мб
1.0 21.10.2006 Win 3.1x, WinNT This self-extracting file contains all of the files necessary to install and use Epson SF-TWAIN. SF-TWAIN is optimized to work in the Windows 3.x and Windows NT(SCSI only) environment running on an IBM PC/AT or compatible with an 80386 CPU or higher.
413.04 Кб
2.51A 21.10.2006 Win 3.1x This self-extracting file contains the latest EPSON TWAIN driver v2.51A that ships with the Expression 636 flatbed color scanner. This version is downward compatible on Epson flatbed scanners. Disk version 2.0bA, Scan II v2.00E, Screen/Printer calibration
2.10 Мб
2.61A 20.10.2006 Mac This file contains the EPSON Twain driver version 2.61A for the Macintosh and EPSON flatbed scanners.
1.24 Мб
2.62A 20.10.2006 Mac This file contains the EPSON Twain driver disk version 2.1cA for the Macintosh and EPSON flatbed scanners. The core version is 2.62A
1.31 Мб
2.51A 20.10.2006 Mac This file contains the EPSON Twain driver version 2.51A for the Macintosh and EPSON flatbed scanners.
1.83 Мб
2.21E 20.10.2006 Mac This file contains the EPSON Twain driver version 2.21E for the Macintosh and EPSON flatbed scanners.
1.23 Мб
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Официальные драйвера для похожих моделей сканера Epson